At times, there is more to be gained from a mediated solution or from preventing a case ending up in court.
Aside from their traditional role in the legal process of settling disputes between individuals and companies, modern lawyers also have a fundamental task in terms of dispute prevention and mediation between parties.
Over the course of time, the profession of lawyer has evolved to that of a privileged “consultant” who intervenes in the economic process by suggesting measures that can prevent disputes in the first place.
As a result, furnishing reliable and prior advice on objective social standards (the law) and subjective regulations (contracts and agreements) form an essential part of our daily activities.
The vision and strategy of Advocatenkantoor Mattijs Voet & Co is to, on the basis of our specific legal expertise, i.e. in-depth legal specialisation and the use of state-of-the-art technologies, contribute to greater equity.
Our aim is to be your best possible lawyer, advisor and advocate
To achieve that, we use:
• Personal tools such as optimism, thorough technical preparation and enthusiasm
• Objective tools such as extensive technical basic infrastructures.
To offer clients direct access to their files via the Internet, we are always happy to work with electronic files.
Solidarity with and a genuine interest in our clients’ activities is what continues to drive us in our daily pursuit of perfection.