
Over the years, the ways and means to act for, against and alongside administrative bodies have increased significantly.

The so-called principles of good governance must be respected and citizens now have a right of recourse and can turn to specialist administrative courts. Citizens’ participation in government decision, etc. has also improved considerably.

We have been monitoring these developments very closely and have extensive experience in administrative and public law procedures in the broadest sense of the term.

In particular, we specialise in dealing with administrative disputes about a. o. spatial planning and urban development, environmental law, public procurement contracts, the policy on land and premises and soil remediation.

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Office Lier
Donk 54 - 2500 Lier
 +32 (0) 3 488 46 66
 +32 (0) 3 488 43 79


Office Mechelen
Blarenberglaan 4/302 - 2800 Mechelen

Industriepark Mechelen Noord (Zone C)
 +32 (0) 15 55 29 45
 +32 (0) 15 55 42 91

Office Antwerpen
Groenstraat 66 – 2140 Antwerpen
 +32 (0) 33 31 31 13 
 +32 (0) 3 488 43 79


VAT : BE 0880.785.734 BE34 6301 1812 0090
Third party account : BE96 6301 1504 6305